Tsuya Kanamori

'Look around you...Feel the wind, smell the air. Listen to the birds and watch the sky. Tell me what's happening in the wide world.'
~ Nancy Farmer

Getting started..

Read the general summary of whom Tsuya is plus ways to meet. More details are found via RP though! ❤

Checking Further..

Curious about whom she knows or just want to see more visuals? Check here! ☾

A Little Reading..

Made it this far? Wonderful! Here are some OOC details and what Tsuya either directly sells or can get her hands on for you for the right price! ❀


Name: Kanamori no Tsuya(Tsuya Kanamori)
Nickname(s): Tsu, Kana
(nicknames usually reserved for friends)
Age: Twenties
Gender: Female(She/Her)
Race: Au Ra(Raen)
Occupation: Part time traveler. Business/Clinic Owner. Though her shop is also within the clinic.
Hobbies/Interests: Magic in general, animals, nature, tea, card games, other raen or xaela, miqo'te, samurai, astrology, eastern geomancy, spirits, books, alchemy & more.
Languages: Doman, Hingan,
Common/Eorzean(enough to get by),
Auri(enough to get by)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Orientation/Status: Pansexual, Demiromantic. Single
Notes: Still holds a Doman accent when she talks. A silver dasher now follows her around. She has an office in Shirogane for easterners whom may not be willing or can't visit Eorzea.

Quiet, slightly serious and soft spoken you'll often see her with a thoughtful if not tired look on her face nowadays. More often than not quietly observing those around her before speaking if at all. She tries to be polite, refined to a degree and pleasant to any that approach her. Her more lively aspects revealed depending on approach and comfort with those around her. But overall she is quick to try and be hospitable, helpful and supporting if she can be. This combined with how easily she can react to some things seem to make for some interesting times.

Tsuya was born into a wealthy, & well-connected merchant class family somewhere in a Yanxian mountain village, though whether she'd mention more beyond being from a mountain village is up for debate. Most would consider this a blessed life, though not without some issues and old family secrets, even while Doma & other neighbors remained under Garlean rule for most of her life to a point. Protected slightly by her wealth and the rough terrain that didn't shield her from everything, and in some ways caused her extra grief during the occupation. The extent of which she has decidedly locked up within herself, though she's yet to be asked. Life mostly in said mountain village kept her oblivious to much outside her village & Othard as she was mostly concerned with them and surviving till the Warrior of Light helped Lord Hien liberate the land. As the Garleans left, and the dust settled they found their home in serious need of repairs in more ways then one and to this day the Kanamori family do their part to both repair, maintain & prosper despite their wealth and health having suffered. The young woman now travels around to both learn and aide..with her travels taking her to Kugane and eventually Eorzea. Learning new secrets and info while keeping the old. Acquiring what gil and materials she can to send back.She has been in Eorzea on and off for nearing 2 years now, with her Doman accent still present. Though she does visit home to catch up and deliver supplies, she still has yet to see and hear everything. She's managed to make her way in the wider world but finds herself alone more often then not..[More found ICly.]

RP Hooks

In addition to the hooks below I am open to other ideas if you think of them! I will also likely be adding onto the list as she develops and I learn more. Please note that for first encounters & possibly even future ones she will not go to venues as I am shy, but am possibly open once I've rped with someone enough.Feel free to send a dm on discord or tell if you spot her in-game!

≻ Healer: ≺ Maybe you've gotten healing from her or her family in the past. Maybe you're looking for similar aide and stumble upon her. This could be good for rekindling past connections or forging new ones. If you need medical aid she can try to provide within reason.≻ Sight: ≺ Thanks to her practice of magic and healing she's developed aethersight but is still training. She can see but might take some time to determine things. If you have aether problems she might be able to help via accupuncture.≻ Alchemist: ≺ In tandem with her healing she's an alchemist. Not a master, and she'll never claim to be but she sells her wares and can try to make something upon request depending.≻ Raen: ≺ Given her appearance & accent she's very likely from the East. Still a strange sight to some. A familiar face to those from a similar background perhaps.≻ New Experiences: ≺ She is open to trying new things depending. Although be forewarned she might say no.

≻ Travel Buddy: ≺ Looking for a healer to travel with you? Maybe looking to escort a less combat-inclined person? Just want someone to tag along on trips? Tsuya might fit the bill.≻ Work: ≺ She's looking to hire assistants or employees for her business. This means people to run simple errands, help her keep things organized, tend to her estate, guard her, etc and maybe go on adventures together. Adventures varying. If a stranger wanted she might even have odd jobs for them.≻ Need a Horn? ≺ A stranger can often be a decent listener or person to talk with. Assumedly you're likely to never meet them again..but a one off can turn into more?≻ Shop Owner: ≺ She's put up fliers for her shop & clinic. If she can give aide she will certainly try or research the methods for your character.≻ ??: ≺≻ ??: ≺


Her personal thoughts on those she has met. They are vague but true to her feelings, these usually get added after the second meeting. Those crossed out she has sadly lost contact with but recalls..

Ridley Faust
'A kind enough Raen whom carries the blade of a samurai & the sweet tooth of a child. We recently reunited and he seems..to have lost his memories including me..'
Jun Saoinji
'Like many he came to my rescue without request. Stiff, formal, gloomy but knowledgeable. Straight to business, with weight on his shoulders..I do not know quite how to interact.'

Kouga Tsurugi
'A long-time hire of my family. He now accompanies me where ever I need. He's a kind one and his little road sparrow helps keep him in line.'

OOC Info

Hello there & thank you for reading Tsuya's carrd! With any luck maybe she can help your character out or they'd make good friends. I am still unaccustomed to eastern rp and likely to mess such up. Never the less I hope Tsuya may be able to help characters out if possible or make some friends/interesting interactions! She does fall under the soft healer umbrella though I have and continue to try and differentiate her during rp. (Updated as of 9/9/24)

Writer is 21+ and a somewhat shy & anxious bean. This may make it difficult for me to reach out, even after first contact. Patience and willingness to reach out to me will help coax me into feeling comfortable about poking first. I appreciate the patience! For reference sake Tsuya mostly uses a staff, daggers and magic to fight but she is more so a ranged sort of fighter if she can. Otherwise a healer(conjury, traditional & budding geomancer) whom has also taken on using acupuncture and aromatherapy. I try to write a paragraph/block of text when I can. I tend to lean towards mirroring those I rp with though not every post might come out that way. At the very least I try to write enough to work with so I expect the same. I enjoy adventure & slice of life mostly but am willing to engage in other things if discussed. While she can be considered somewhat soft and a blush might be easy at times to extract from her..deeper feelings of love take time and some genuine feelings or at least she needs to see intentions. That being said you're free to flirt and tease still. Can do most things save gore, severe mutilation, some dark themes and combat between characters. I am alright with most conflict, but I am more willing to possibly engage in discussed topics if we've known each other for long enough. Fight rp between characters has never been my cup of tea so that too needs to be discussed if it must happen. If you're curious we can try talking things out. If you see her around anywhere and are curious, send a tell! I'll try to respond as quickly as possible. Above all I ask that we communicate clearly. It helps dispel a lot of things usually and I am often having to ask questions to make sure of things. I can be a little dense and dumb so I might ask some silly things just so I'm sure I'm getting things mostly right.